Rabu, 16 November 2016

hello friends meet again with me Isnen Amri, on this occasion I will share my experience about the sites I've ever visited. One of the places I have ever visited is a waterfall of red leaned yan si located in West Kalimantan, specifically in the city Sekadau Titing Boyok precisely in the village. The place is very comfortable to spend time off or to refresh the brain, we are spoiled with pemandanan beautiful that can remove all the fatigue that exist in our bodies, we are also spoiled with pools of nature that can diunakan to play water clean and certainly sanat comfortable to joke with a friend who was with us. If you want to visit this place I would recommend to bring sufficient supplies. Because of this they were eagerly natural tampat no market or the like. Maybe for a while up here before our trip, other times I will give you experience of others. See you next time.

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